And furthermore if you are travelling a lot within Germany for work, especially along the highways, Telekom should be your Number 1 choice for a mobile phone provider. Hi I would like to ask, whether you can freely swap back on a cheaper prepaid plan for the upcoming months, in case you once needed more available data for one month but no longer require it for the future. Let me set an example from real life: 1. My girlfriend bought an “O2 my Prepaid M” plan for March, but she might need to upgrade to “O2 my Prepaid L” soon, because she uses her phone a lot and requires more available data for this month. 2. After she switches to the “L” plan, would she be able to switch back on “M” plan for the next month? If yes, will that be as easy to do for her by herself as upgrading from “M” to “L”? Or she will need to contact some responsible person? Oh and if you use your phone nowadays also for some calls all contracts have a flatrate included for calls within Germany! All of their contracts come with All-net-flatrates for German landlines, SMS within Germany and up to 20GB of mobile data with LTE speed. It also should be mentioned that Telekom offers some cool add-ons either for a few euros a month or included in your contract, such as StreamOn Music or StreamOn Social&Chat. Die 1&1 All-Net-Flat fasst mehrere Flatrates für verschiedene Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen in einem Paket zusammen. Für dieses Paket bezahlen Sie lediglich einen monatlichen Festpreis. Bei 1&1 telefonieren Sie daher kostenlos ins deutsche Festnetz sowie in alle deutschen Handynetze. Außerdem haben Sie mit einer 1&1 All-Net-Flat die Möglichkeit, ohne Zeitlimit im mobilen Internet zu surfen.
Nach Verbrauch Ihres monatlichen Datenvolumens wird lediglich Ihre Surfgeschwindigkeit gedrosselt, der Internetzugang bleibt jedoch bestehen. o2 Germany also offers a free bank account with a special perk: For every Euro you spent with your Mastercard, you get 1 MB bonus data that you can redeem with your o2 contract. Find out more about this offer here. Eine Allnet-Flat genügt heute aber längst nicht mehr für modernes mobiles Internet. Erst das gigantische 20 GB Datenvolumen lässt bei Dauersurfern keine Wünsche mehr offen. Wenn dein Smartphone ein fester Teil deines täglichen Lebens ist, ist unser Allnet-Flat Max Handyvertrag die beste Wahl. That means that all mobile data that you use e.g. for chatting on Whatsapp or being on Facebook is not taken off your monthly mobile data quota. But the main difference to other similarily good contracts is that Tarifhaus offers 6 months instead of 24 months contracts, which only renews itself for 3 months.
Finding the right mobile contract in Berlin can be a difficult thing. If you only need data on the go for your tablet, you should check out the following plans. They only include internet access, phone calls or text messages are not possible. You can use them with your tablet or with an internet surf-stick. Congstar Homespot is a special offer, which only works at a certain address of your choice (e.g. your home address). Unfortunately, it is not common in Germany to get data plans with unlimited mobile internet, you will usually have a high speed allowance of a couple of gigabytes, depending on your plan. Currently, Telekom and O2 are the only providers, which offer unlimited data plans. The cheapest unlimited data offer is provided by O2 for 39.99€ per month. However, some of them are still expensive (Telekom: €84.95/month) so it might be wiser to get a different plan with 30GB or 60GB allowance.
Für das Smartphone mit 64 GB in einer Farbe eurer Wahl zahlt ihr einmalig 4,95 Euro. Die Anschlussgebühr könnt ihr euch über die Vodafone-App als Gutschrift erstatten lassen. Bonus: Als bestehender Vodafone-Festnetz-Kunde bekommt ihr über den GigaKombi-Vorteil zusätzlich 5 GB Datenvolumen obendrauf. Furthermore you get with 8GB per month enough mobile data for music streaming and browsing on the go. 1&1 zahlt Ihnen eine hohe Tauschprämie für Ihr altes Smartphone, Tablet oder Ihren Laptop, wenn Sie sich bei der Bestellung Ihres 1&1 Tarifs für ein neues Gerät entscheiden.
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