Discharge of Contract by Oral Agreement: What You Need to Know

Contracts are a crucial part of any business deal, but what happens when one or more parties want to end the agreement before the stipulated time? This is where the concept of discharge of contracts comes in. Discharge refers to the release of obligations by the parties involved, whether by performance, agreement, or other legal means. In this article, we will be focusing on discharge by oral agreement, its validity and related legal implications.

What is Discharge by Oral Agreement?

Discharge by oral agreement, also known as discharge by accord and satisfaction, occurs when the parties agree to terminate a contract without the need for a written document. This type of discharge can be reached informally through a conversation or verbal agreement between the parties, and is legally binding.

In some cases, the parties may choose to reduce their agreement to writing after the oral agreement has been reached. This can serve as evidence of the discharge, but the oral agreement remains a valid and enforceable contract.

Validity of Discharge by Oral Agreement

Discharge by oral agreement is a valid and legal means of terminating a contract if certain conditions are met. The first condition is that the parties must have agreed to discharge the contract with mutual consent. In other words, both parties must have reached a common understanding that the contract is being terminated.

The second condition is that the terms of the discharge, including any obligations arising from it, must be clear and unambiguous. This means that the parties must have a clear understanding of what they are agreeing to and must not leave any room for misinterpretation.

The third condition is that the agreement must be supported by consideration. Consideration is a legal principle that requires each party to give something of value in exchange for the agreement. In the case of discharge by oral agreement, consideration can take the form of releasing one party from obligations or paying a sum of money in exchange for the release of obligations.

Legal Implications of Discharge by Oral Agreement

Discharge by oral agreement is a binding and enforceable contract, and the parties may face legal consequences if they breach any of the terms of the agreement. It is therefore important to ensure that the agreement is made with full understanding and without duress or coercion. Additionally, any material changes to the agreement should be reduced to writing to avoid confusion or disputes.


Discharge by oral agreement is a valid and legal means of terminating a contract under certain conditions. The parties must have a mutual understanding of the terms and obligations arising from the discharge, and the agreement must be supported by consideration. It is important to approach discharge by oral agreement with caution and ensure that all parties fully understand the terms of the agreement to avoid legal consequences. If you are considering discharging a contract by oral agreement, consult with a legal professional to ensure that your rights and obligations are protected.